Your Support Helps Young Men
Become Better Prepared For
The Challenges of The Adult World
YMUW is a 501(c)(3) non – profit that provides a village of mentors who guide young men to make a healthy transition into adulthood. Our work helps parents and their sons work together more effectively to have more caring and cooperative relationships.
Make your tax-deductible donation today
Where Do My Gifts Go?
Your giving helps families who cannot afford to send their sons to YMUW
Your giving helps us procure equipment needed at the YMUW
Your giving helps us with our efforts in Public Relations, Community Outreach, Program Development and Volunteer Coordination
Your giving inspires us to continue our work of helping our sons learn to become more responsible for their own well-bring
PERMANENT SITE – YMUW is looking for a permanent home in the Bay Area. Ideally, we are hoping to be gifted a site where we can produce our family programs all year round. If you can help us procure our own place, we would truly appreciate hearing from you!
“I challenge you to imbue your money with soul -- your soul -- and let it stand for who you are, your love, your heart, your word and your humanity. Money moving in the direction of our highest commitments nourishes our world and ourselves."
Lynne Twist, co-founder, Panchamama Alliance and YMUW advocate